Basic (Updates and Hosting pack)
The choice of hosting is important. Not having a good hosting causes your web to run slowly and be less secure. In addition, the negative consequences of SEO positioning, communication and online reputation.

It is the platafrm that vill support the web content of your brand. Perquè els usuaris puguin accedir a la teva web és necessari que el hosting que s’allotja en un servidor web sigui de gran capacitat d’emmagatzemament, efectives eines de seguretat i que sempre estigui disponible.
In order for users to access their website, it is necessary that the hosting that is hosted on a web server is of great storage capacity, effective security tools and that is always available.
Expert Management Servers
We keep your server running smoothly and safely throughout the day. Focus on your business, not on servers.
Instant Technology
Instant update or degradation, without inactivity or interruption times
Control Plesk Panel
Our customers prefer this industry-leading panel for their improved security, performance and ease of use.

1 backup every 3 days, less lossy data and interruptions in your business. Our fast backup restore also starts up faster.
This pack includes half an hour of monthly dedication and 10Gb of hosting. It is perfect for ensuring your website is always up to date and running smoothly, minimizing the risk of cyber attacks and improving user experience.
1 web
Since 10 emails
WordPress Toolkit SE
Control panel PLESK
Perfect for projects developed in:
- WordPress
- Joomla
- Drupal
- SilverStripe
- Cake PHP
- Modx
- Concrete5
- PHP Fusion
- CMS Made Simple
- PHPWiki
- Xcart
- Magento
- Prestashop
- Opencart
- Oscommerce
- Zencart
- Spree commerce
- Woocommerce
- Virtuemart
- Drupalcommerce
- Zeuscart
- AfCommerce
Contract hosting web Bàsic Hosting