An e-commerce is not just any platform. Therefore, it cannot be done in any way. Our experts in prestashop, wordpress and magento (platforms for e-commerce) know this.

It is a website that is made to sell, and also sell alone.
An e-commerce must be excellent in everything. Usability, speed, intuitive, beautiful, that generates quality views of the products offered, and always provide comfort to the user who will make the purchase. The design and architecture of e-commerce, has to be oriented exclusively to achieve a greater number of sales and streamline and facilitate the user’s purchase process.
So, the goal of an e-commerce, as you know, is to sell. Sell fast and online. Therefore, we cannot ignore the web positioning of your brand, again. By positioning your e-commerce, you will get many more sales.
Keep in mind that with e-commerce you can sell in a global market, or at least, to a market that fits your needs and your goal as a brand: local, regional, European …) 7 days, 24h. This will make you win many more customers. Also, you facilitate the purchase to your client, because he does not have to travel expressly, and therefore, the sales cycle is much faster and more effective.
The structure of e-commerce can be adapted to what your brand needs. But, you should generally have certain sections:
- Catalogue: Photographs of real products and / or services, information about these products and / or services, and their characteristics and price. Separated by categories
- Institutional information: Build customer confidence.
Prove that you are a real and trusted brand. - Shopping cart: Although it may not seem like it, it is very important. The shopping cart must be colorful and very simple, so you get a much faster and safer sale.
- Method of payment: Offering different payment methods is ideal, since this way we facilitate the purchase to the user.
- User registration: Highly recommended. You get leads and a loyal customer.
- Ratings and / or comments: In a digital world 2.0, like the one we are now, it is normal that the first thing the user does, before making the purchase, is to seek reviews of the product or brand you want to buy. So, the best thing you can do, such as brand and e-commerce, is to offer these comments and / or reviews of your real customers. There is no better advertising and loyalty strategy, than this one.
- It represents a competitive advantage for your brand, compared to the traditional market.
- It has no geographical limits, only those that you want to put.
- Target segmentation. You can segment your customers, through communication; launching specific campaigns for your audience.
Something that is also very important for your e-commerce, and above all, the reputation of your brand, is always up to date. Both at the legal level (data protection, databases, payment methods …), and at the level of management of the product and / or service you offer.
And do not neglect the processes that involve maintaining your e-commerce.
That is, pre-purchase and post-purchase. Your e-commerce has to reflect the best facet of your brand.
At Cetrex Marketing, we know how to do it